Our latest podcast episode is a talk with track and field agent Merhawi Keflezighi. He is celebrating his 15 year anniversary as President of HAWI Management, and we discuss his life and business philosophy.
In this episode…
We speak with Merhawi Keflezighi, who is celebrating 15 years as President of Hawi Management, which represents numerous track and field athletes. Hawi has made a name for himself as one of the most innovative agents out there, working with numerous smaller brands to create new opportunities for his athletes.
In our talk we learn about Hawi’s roots as an immigrant from Eritrea, how his experiences growing up informed who he is today, and how they have shaped his beliefs about taking on risk and maintaining relationships.
Hawi has a great story, and I’m happy he was willing to share it with us.
Jon and Bryan will continue their conversations every Tuesday, and new interview will be posted every Friday.
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