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Lifelong runner Tina Muir uses real conversations to drive social and personal change via her two successful running podcasts, Running for Real and Running Realized.


“I genuinely believe that we should be learning our entire life. And there’s a part of me that feels excited for when I’m 78 years old, and all the things I will have learned.” – Tina Muir

Difficult conversations can very often lead into areas of personal growth.

Lifelong runner Tina Muir doesn’t shy away from these discussions as she builds her two successful running podcasts, Running for Real and Running Realized, and continues to challenge fixed mindsets.


(2:50) Growing up in a classically English town…

(6:03) The difference between club sports and school sports…

(8:13) “When I was coming up to my final year of college, people kept saying, ‘Are you going to go pro?’ And I was like, ‘What does that even mean?’” 

(11:12) A lifestyle component to pursuing sports…

(14:24) “I can absolutely see why she said that I wasn’t committed. I was just plodding along, not really trying. But I did manage to pull it together for the final few races. And once I got through that part, it was not a question—running was a part of me.”

(16:52) When commitment goes too far…

(19:00) And then there’s those who don’t commit…

(20:40) Do you have a fixed mindset or growth mindset?

(23:08) The mission of Go Be More…

(25:21) “To ignore your dreams, in my opinion, is really to ignore the opportunity to fully understand who you are before it’s all said and done.”—Jon

(26:50) Does the influence of others impact your mindset?

(30:04) A surprising decision…

(33:50) “Once I decided I’m done then I felt a huge relief… but I just couldn’t get myself to say it. And even when I stopped, I think that was such a dramatic, emotional moment that I didn’t know it was for sure. But once I said it in a calm, rational manner, after thinking about it for a few days, then it felt like a huge relief.”

(34:29) A couple of new distractions…

(37:04) How much did you evolve as a podcaster?

(39:40) Conversations that grew into a different platform…

(41:21) Running For Real and Running Realized explained…

(44:36) What does Go Be More mean to you…“Taking yourself beyond your comfort zone and stepping out to a place that feels like it’s helping you to grow and evolve. And I genuinely believe that we should be learning our entire life. And there’s a part of me that feels excited for when I’m 78 years old, all the things I will have learned. I’d say it’s just what we’ve been talking about today. Like stretching yourself and taking that deep breath and then doing it anyway, whatever scares you, take a deep breath and go for it.”

If you liked this episode, check out our interviews with Kara Goucher and Audra Bryant.

Recorded April 30, 2021.


Running for Real – website

Running Realized – website


Tina Muir – website | Instagram | Twitter


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